Thursday, October 5, 2017


      President Trump and Melania are scheduled to arrived in Las Vegas on Wednesday to meet with relief workers and victims of Sunday night's massacre. All across the country, people are responding to the President's call for unity.

      Officials in Clark County, Nevada have set up a fund for online public donations. The link can be accessed here. Over $8 million has been raised in one day alone.

      Churches across the country have also been engaging in relief efforts. Pope Francis denounced the attack and, in a special encyclical to Las Vegas Bishop Joseph Pepe, encouraged the Church to reach out to victims. The Las Vegas Diocese has a special support network for First Responders and is itself prepared for an emergency.

       "We are praying for those who have been injured, for those who lost their lives; and for the medical personnel and first responders who, with bravery and self-sacrifice have helped so many," Bishop Pepe, "We are also very heartened by the stories of those who helped each other during this time of crisis. As the Gospel reminds us, we are called upon to be modern-day Good Samaritans."

       The Corporate Media is downplaying the good work everyone else is doing, just as they did during the recent hurricanes. They're focusing on bashing Trump, but it's to no avail. A CBS executive was fired for praising the alleged killing of Republicans; and just yesterday media troll Jimmy Kimmel had an on-air TDS meltdown. In Los Angeles, a professor went berserk in the classroom and was hauled away to the psych ward after running wild through the campus screaming about shootings and Trump.

      Don't be like the Liberals. Whether in prayer services for the victims or donating time and money, do things to help proactively. That's worth a lot more in the long run than political posturing.

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